Thursday, September 20, 2012


15-Sep-‘12,Ladies night out.  约定吃了teatime,后去pub听liveband。teatime 时,突然 Elly 静悄悄的跑了进屋子,把我们吓了。她戴了鸭舌帽,把脸遮盖着。。把平时妩媚的她,变了小男孩儿样。。拿开鸭舌帽,我们才看到,她正哭着。。well 。。知道什么事了。。男的老婆找上门了,男的老婆很大方的问她“我想知道,我老公爱你吗?”顿时,她哭了,她不会回答,反而,男的老婆还安抚她说“我知道了,我明白,可以了。”。。。。。。我们无言,真的我们都不惊讶。因为都知道结果是这样。她问为什么她对着男的老婆无言,是不是她内疚,我说,无言是你承认了你与那男的关系,哭是因为你知道你做错了而内疚,我叫她放弃这段感情,怎么讲都只是几个月慨货仔。突然她发飚,挑战者责问我,如果是我甘愿吗?我们不明白那整个实情。。她问我为什么她的命运是这样。。。。。。我们继续吃东西,没人真正的要回答她。


"why you want to upset yourself with this kind of man, is he worth it? no.." "look, how long you can live in this life, we are 40, another 10 years? 20 years? no one can tell..when I felt my breast was so painful that day, I was so worry, I don't know what happen to long I can live?"  O 小姐很大声的赞同,给了我一个five。  "you said i don't understand your situation, do you know, how many bfs i had before?.. and all of them had affairs?" "when i asked him to choose, he kept quiet, crying and squat down beg me ..for letting him to see me in future.." "after my last failed relationship, i will never ask the question [WHY], the first thing in my mind is [how to heal my broken heart, how am i going to leave without him, what is my next plan] i tried a lot of ways, think a lot of ways to heal my after day..i found yoga..everyday, without fail times up..i will go my yoga matter how tire i am, how stressful i am,  i will never miss..slowly, i forget about him" O 小姐问,为什么你们都这么静了,你们知道吗,D 的遭遇比你们的还糟。她说:no no i am digesting what D said. "enjoy your life, open your heart, enjoy every moment you could..don't make youself live like a pathetic, upset your parents, i don't wanna live like a pathetic because i do not wanna upset my parents, i wanna proof to them, i am living happily, strong even i am single..." 顿时,大家都静了。。后来,我很后悔说出那些话,我也曾经告诉我自己,别打开整个肚皮让人看穿。。我又衰啦!